



Decision making often comes down to a simple question “What’s 1st?”

The art of Triage is knowing where to start and what’s next

When decision making is distilled to its simplest form, it makes a simple matrix like this

In many situations in life, deciding whether to do something or not, can waste a lot of precious time
It’s often easier and faster to ask what is the risk and reward, how much and how often do we do it

This is a classic flowchart how to perform triage in a medical situation

The order of priority is based on a teaching called the Rules of 3s that shows the order of importance of things in life:

Rule of 3s

3 Seconds without Safety

• Survival Required 24 Hours a Day

3 Minutes without Air

• Oxygen is highest priority

3 Hours without Shelter

• Core temperature stays in the 90s

When going to help in a critical situation, there are several helpful Acronyms: ABC RICE and MEAT