Powerful Flow

Release Pain & Stress
GB21 Shoulder Well 肩井 Jiān Jǐng (Crossover)

Receive Whatever is Needed
St 1 Tears Container 承泣 Chéng Qì

Energize the Immune System
K27 Shu Mansion 俞府 Shù Fŭ

Build Courage
CV17 Chest Center 膻中 Shān Zhōng

Clear System
Sp16 Abdomen Pain 腹哀 Fù Āi

CV8 Spirit Palace 神闕 Shén Què & GV24.5 3rd Eye 印堂 Yìn Táng

Let Go
Lu1 Letting Go 中府 Zhōng Fǔ

Source Points:

Lu9 Great Deep Pool 太淵 Tài Yuān

Large Intestine
LI4 Junction Valley 合谷 Hé Gǔ

Sp3 Great White 太白 Tài Bái

St 42 Surging Yang 沖陽 Chōng Yáng

H7 Spirit Gate 神門 Shén Mén

Small Intestine
SI4 Wrist Bone 腕骨 Wàn Gǔ

Lv3 Supreme Rushing 太沖 Tài Chōng

GB40 Hill Ruins 丘墟 Qiū Xū

K3 Great Stream 太谿 Tài Xī

B64 Capital Bone 京骨 Jīng Gǔ

P7 Great Mound 大陵 Dà Líng

3 Cavities (Chest, Abdomen & Pelvis)
TW4 Yang Pond 陽池 Yáng Chí

Body Center
CV6 Sea of Qi 氣海 Qì Hǎi

Mind Center
GV24.5 3rd Eye 印堂 Yìn Táng

Energize the Kidneys
K1 Bubbling Spring 湧泉 Yǒng Quán

Center Points:

Head Center (Sides)
Temples 太陽 Tài Yáng

Head Center (Front)
GV26 Middle of the Person 人中 Rén Zhōng

Head Center (Back)
GV16 Wind Palace 風府 Fēng Fǔ

Chest Center (Sides)
GB22 Armpit Abyss 淵腋 Yuān Yè

Chest Center (Front)
CV17 Chest Center 膻中 Shān Zhōng

Chest Center (Back)
GV9 Reaching Yang 至陽 Zhì Yáng

Abdomen Center (Sides)
GB26 Girdling Vessel 帶脈 Dài Mài

Abdomen Center (Front)
CV6 Sea of Qi 氣海 Qì Hǎi

Abdomen Center (Back)
GV4 Life Gate 命門 Mìng Mén

Other Points

All Meridians
GV20 Hundred Meeting Point 百會 Bǎi Huì

Body Center (Lower)
CV1 Meeting of Yin 會陰 Huì Yīn

Alleviate Head & Neck Pain
GB20 Wind Gate 風池 Fēng Chí

Alleviate Heart & Spirit Disorders
P6 Inner Gate 內關 Nèi Guān

Alleviate Fever
LI11 Pool at the Bend 曲池 Qū Chí

Alleviate Nose Issues & Allergies
LI20 Receiving Fragrance 迎香 Yíng Xiāng

Alleviate Sinus, Nose & Eye Issues
St3 Facial Beauty 巨髎 Jù Liáo

Energize the Body
St36 3 Mile Point 足三里 Zú Sān Lǐ

Energize the Eyes
B1 Bright Eyes 睛明 Jīng Míng

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